Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 4-8, 2013

Theme: 3 Week: 3
Letter: Uu
Number: 4

This week in class students will learn about Giants Made by People.  We will be learning about skyscrapers, bridges, machines, and amusement park rides.

My "teacher" laptop had to be sent in to Apple because the key pad and mouse pad is not working.  So the students are doing a fantastic job singing with out our regular music.  Luckily we have a back up computer so we can still use our interactive white board.

Thank you parents for donating thin dry erase markers and crayons (we can still use more)!

NO School- Monday November 11 (Veterans Day)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekly Photo Update

Our poem that we focused on was "I Am A Pumpkin."  When our big buddies from South Bay came they helped us create jack-o-lanterns to go with our poem.

Students worked independently creating stain glass pumpkins.  It is so nice to look out the window and see thier pumpkins.

 Last week we focused on the letter Tt.  Students cut out the letter T and glued toothpicks onto their T's.  All students had fun and did a great job keeping the glue in the containers and on their papers.

October 28-November 1

Theme 3 Week 1- Natures Giants
Letter: Ii
Number 2

Parents: We use thin dry erase markers every day in our classroom and we are running low on thin dry erase markers.  Any donations would be helpful.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 14-18

Theme 2 Week 4- Community
Letter: Hh
Shape: Rectangle

Field Trip to pumpkin patch on Wednedsay
Homework Due on Thursday (letter Ll and reading log)

Weekly photo update

Last week we learned about the letter Ll.  These lizards found their way up our wall.

Fall is in our classroom.  Students took a listening and color test.  Look at these beautiful results:

Monday, October 7, 2013


The weather is cooling off and it is beginning to feel like fall. Here is a fall project we did at the beginning of the month.

Last week week we focused on Our Families. Here are pictures of what the students enjoy doing with their families.

This week we will continue 
Theme 2, Friends and Pets
Letter Ll

Friday we will take a walking field trip to the fire station. Please fill out all permission slips, especially the insurance section and the policy number.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome October

Theme 2: Families and Homes
Letter: Ee
Shape: Triangle

Check out our first art project, the letter Ff.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Update

We finally received our curriculum for TK.  We will be using Houghton-Mifflin's "Splash!"  This curriculum is from the same company that the whole school uses for Language Arts.  I will be using this curriculum to follow the TK alignment standards. 

This week we will begin Theme 2: My Family and Friends.  We will focus on forming the letter Ff and the sound /f/. 

Theme 2: My Family and Friends
Letter: Ff
Math: Circles

Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome to Transitional Kindergarten

This is our class website where families will find information about our classroom.  Check back soon for more information.